Nigeria Baptist Convention Sunday Bible Study Manual For May 19, 2024 : Topic – RECONCILED TO GOD.

 Nigeria Baptist Convention Sunday Bible Study Manual For May 19, 2024 : Topic – RECONCILED TO GOD.


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Theme for the Month: "STANDING IN THE FAITH."



Devotional Reading: Acts 2:37-47.

Background Scripture: Romans 5:1-11.

Lesson Scripture: Romans 5:1-11.

GOLDEN TEXT: “Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." Romans 5:1

By the end of the lesson, class members should be able to:
● Define justification and reconciliation, as used in the passage;
● The benefits of being reconciled to God through faith in Christ Jesus;
● Make a personal commitment on how they will appropriate justification in their journey with God.

God's original plan for humankind when He created Adam and Eve and put them in the garden of Eden was good and perfect. It was a life of freedom from worrying about the essentials of life, peace, love and constant fellowship with God. Unfortunately, when they sinned against God by eating the forbidden fruit, they lost the opportunity of enjoying God's initial plan for them. They became separated from God-a process known as alienation. Of course, God is just and anyone who disobeys His laws must be punished. Thus Adam and Eve were banished from the garden of Eden. Based on this, the whole human race inherited the sinful nature and are liable to death. Paul alluded to this when he said that the first Adam brought death and condemnation to all while the second Adam brought life, righteousness, and justification to all who are granted spiritual life through faith in Jesus Christ. The aftermath of the death of Jesus on the cross and the resurrection story has made humankind's reconciliation with God possible because we are no longer under the guilt of the sin and death. Rather, we have hope and the gift of the Holy Spirit.

The concepts of justification and reconciliation can best be described as the process whereby a guilty person or a sinner is forgiven and reunited with the offended. So, humankind's reconciliation with God means that a sinner has been permanently forgiven by reason of the death of Jesus Christ and the individual's faith in Him. Those who were once enemies of God have automatically been reconciled to Him, and given the opportunity to approach Him at any time and anywhere. Today's lesson focuses on how we have been justified through faith in Christ Jesus, and the peace we enjoy with God.


[Romans 5:1-5]

Paul was confident about the justification of his recipients on the basis of their faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus. He reaffirmed that they have peace with God. In other words, because of Christ's sacrificial death, those who believe in Him are justified before God or pronounced "guiltless", rather than being alienated from Him. This understanding implies that we are no longer enemies of God. According to verse 2, Christ has brought us, by faith, into a new experience of the grace of God in which we now live. As a result, we can boast of the following as the benefits of being reconciled to God, based on the death of Christ:
● The hope of sharing in His glory. The glory of God is the reason for our hope. Paul later compared the present suffering of believers with the glory that shall be revealed to them when God eventually reveals who His children are, which all creation await eagerly (Romans 8:18-19).
● Hope that is certain in the midst of life's suffering. The nature of hope described by Paul is the type that produces results and does not disappoint. This is because the love of God has been poured out into the hearts of believers through the Holy Spirit, which God has given to them.
● There is reconciliation and deliverance from future wrath.
● Sinful people have been declared legally righteous, justified by faith (not by works) and reconciled to God; thus we are no longer enemies of God.
● We can approach God because Jesus' sacrificial death has a continuing effect. Christians have grace that connects us closely with God.

Though as Christians, we are faced with trials and troubles in this present age, we should rejoice because they will surely produce endurance, and endurance will give birth to character, and character will produce hope. The author of the book of James describes the end result of endurance, in times of suffering, as being perfect and complete without lacking anything (James 1:2-3). The summary of the lesson is that when we endure suffering, our faith and character are built unto spiritual maturity. The hope which Paul mentioned in the passage, does not disappoint because like Abram's hope, it is derived from God (through the power of the Holy Spirit).

1. If our troubles will produce endurance, which brings God's approval, why then do Christians complain and shift blames in times of suffering?
2. Discuss the different ways we can respond to God's gift of justification.

[Romans 5:6-8]

The doctrine of reconciliation (a state of being united with God) is better understood when we compare our past (the time we were alienated from God), and the new life we enjoy through faith in Christ Jesus. Apostle Paul made this clear in the passage by explaining God's gift of love for humankind. He described the unworthy lifestyle of his recipients when Christ died for them portrayed it thus:
● When we were still powerless: By implication, Christ died for us when we could not help ourselves because of our moral frailty.
● When we were ungodly and full of wickedness.
● When we were God's enemies (v. 10), alienated from or hostile to Him.

He described how difficult it is to die for a righteous person much less wicked people (v. 7). Paul's statement reveals the difficulty of finding someone to do this, even when the occasion warrants it. In essence, God demonstrated His love for humankind by giving His Son as a propitiation for our sins when we were still living in sin (v. 8). Based on this, John Stott wrote objectively that "God has given us good grounds for believing in His love." At the appointed time in God's redemptive plan, He demonstrated His love when Christ died for us, even though we were neither righteous nor good but sinners. He allowed Jesus to be taken away by wicked men, tortured and crucified so that humankind will be reconciled to Him (2 Corinthians 5:19). And so, we have been justified (no longer guilty of any sin) because the blood of Jesus has made our reconciliation to God possible.

1. According to today's lesson, what will be your advice for those who are suffering for the sake of their faith in Christ Jesus?
2. How would you explain the doctrine of justification to an unbeliever in the simplest form?

[Romans 5:9-11]

Paul's explanation of the doctrine of justification of believers through faith is explicit. His statement in verse 9 explains that justification is made possible by the blood of Jesus Christ, and this secures our safety from God's wrath. Consequently, we have no reason to fear God's judgment. After all, we have been adopted into God's family, which gives us the right to eternal life. Even though we were once sinners and became enemies of God, He has made us His friend through the death of His Son, Jesus Christ (v. 10). As a result of this new relationship, we can rejoice because of God who has chosen to be our friend through His work of justification. Noteworthy in the passage also is the fact that if God has justified us through the blood of His Son, He will surely spare us from His wrath (v. 9).

To be justified is to be declared innocent, vindicated or no longer guilty of an offence. The word 'Reconciliation' means to make peace after a quarrel. It is important to understand the natural progression from the state of being justified (v. 9) to a state of reconciliation (v. 10b) and being saved (v. 10b). Christians should know that one cannot be reconciled to a righteous God without first being justified. It involves a change in a relationship from enmity to friendship with God. Leon Morris says that reconciliation leads to salvation that has no end. Through reconciliation, peace with God is achieved and this makes us to rejoice in Him. The phrase "we shall be saved' (v. 10a) from the wrath to come is the future aspect of salvation. It means the salvation which was procured by Christ is not only effective now but also in future.

1. What is the implication of the death of Christ for believers?
2. According to Romans 5:1-11, describe the benefits that come with being declared righteous before God by faith in Christ Jesus.

Fellowship and Ministry Building Activity:
● Make a list of things that can easily bring about estrangement in our relationship with God. Confess your sins and pray for reconciliation with God.

Take Home: Write down three lessons you are taking home from today's lesson?
● __________
● __________
● __________

● Based on today's lesson, make a commitment to be reconciled with God, if you have not done so.

Happy Sunday in Advance.

Remain Inspired & Be Lifted!

Nigeria Baptist Convention Sunday Bible Study Manual For May 19, 2024 : Topic – RECONCILED TO GOD.  Nigeria Baptist Convention Sunday Bible Study Manual For May 19, 2024 : Topic – RECONCILED TO GOD. Reviewed by Muyiwa Abodunrin (Muyilight) on May 18, 2024 Rating: 5

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